Two weeks ago, Aniq Arfan graced us with his appearance into this world. Here's how the birth story goes...
12 Feb 2007 - 10.30 am
Went for my check-up @ Dr. Aziz's. Have been having mild contractions since 4am this morning but I dismissed them as normal tummy ache as I had eaten the spicy nasi ayam penyet the nite before. While waiting for my turn, I told Darl that I might be having the real contractions this time round and ask him to prepare to not go to work today. Finally my turn. Told Dr. Aziz abt the mild contractions that I've been getting. He did the VE on my and true enuff I'm already 2-3cm dilated! He wanted me to come to East Shore Hospital later that afternoon ard 2pm but I told him that I'll come later in the evening instead coz I do not want to waste my time at the hospital and moreover I ain't feeling any pain yet.
2.00 pm
Ate Nasi Lemak for lunch. Will need all the energy in the world for the labour later. Tried to have a nap but couldn't. The feeling of excitement and nervousness all rolled into one. Before leaving the house, salam Mak and got all emotional when she said that she'll pray that I'll have a safe labour and all. Abg Aim and Ann drove us to the hospital.
5.30 pm
Check-in in the hospital. Didn't sit in the wheelchair like the last time, coz I wasn't feeling any pain yet. Was sent to the delivery suite. Chged into the hospital gown, given enema to clear my bowels and finally strapped to a CTG machine where I can hear baby's steady heartbeat.
6.30 pm
Dr. Aziz came to do another VE on me. I'm 4cm dilated. He then burst my waterbag. Asked me if I wanted to be put on a drip to make the labour process faster. We told him to give us some time to think abt it. He then proceed to attend to his other patient for a c-sect procedure.
8.00 pm - 8.30 pm
The contractions were still mild and bearable. I spent time flicking thro the channels. Darl went to have his dinner with Apit & Fida at the nearby coffeeshop.
9.00 pm
Dr. Aziz came and I told him that I want to be put on a drip. He personally put the drip on for me. He said if all goes well, I should give birth @ 1am. So now its waiting time and I foresee that the contractions will get more painful very soon.
9.30 pm
Darl came back from his dinner. The midwife did a VE check on me and found that I'm still 4cm dilated! We were quite disheartened to hear that. She then told me to inhale some oxygen to pass to the baby inside. Alamak cuak sekejapan. Does that mean that the baby having problems not receiving enuff oxygen? Does that mean that I'll have to go thro a c-sect if the baby is in distress? After a while she checked the CTG machine and told me baby's fine now. Alhamdulillah. The contractions are getting more painful now. I breathed in hard into the gas mask whenever a contraction comes. However the pain was still bearable coz I guess I have quite a high threshold of pain.
10.30 pm
Told Darl to call the midwife to give me the pethidine jab to calm me down. The pain has gotten so intense that I wished I'm put to sleep rite now and go for c-sect instead. The midwife Kak Siti, did another VE check on me. I'm now 8cm dilated. That was fast! Alhamdulillah! She still gave me the pethidine jab on my thigh.
11.30 pm
The pain was killing me! I was told to refrain myself from pushing until Dr.Aziz comes. But the urge to push was so intense. It's like you want to pass motion so badly. The kind-hearted Kak Siti recite the ayat kursi and blew onto my tummy. All this while I felt the world spinning ard me and it felt like I'm in a bad dream, trying to bear the pain and breathing at the same time. Dr. Aziz came. All set now for me to push. I grabbed Darl's hand while Kak Siti hold my leg. I was trembling with pain and gathered all my energy to give it a good long hard push all in one breath.
11.37 pm
Alhamdulillah Aniq Arfan was born into this world! After the nurse cleaned him up she put him on my chest. Masyaallah, how beautiful and great is this creation of Allah! Darl then proceed to azan and qamatkan him. Dr.Aziz continued to push out the placenta then the blood clots out of my tummy and did a few stitches.
12.30 am
I was wheeled into the ward. Kak Siti praised me for being strong, calm and quiet throughout the ordeal. Did a mass sms to friends and love ones about the birth of our second precious gem! Syukur alhamdulillah, everything went on fast and smooth.