Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Aniq @ 10mths

Pejam celik pejam celik .. this bundle of joy of ours is 10 months today!! Weight check .. 10.8kg and that's when the pediatrician said that he's FAT! Yup, that's her exact word .. FAT! Aniq is FAT. For babies his age. WTF! The husband told her that Aniq only ate cereal (frisocrem) twice a day ... not even proper meal like porridge or something .. plus formula & partial breastfeeding. So how can he be fat kan? Benci seh. Anyway not that I'm bothered with that coz he'll eventually lose all those baby fats in time to come.

Right now, member tgh mabok nak jalan. Hahaha. Soon we'll be running after him! kalau tak kurus pon nasib! lalalala

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Miss H

She was the one who interviewed me when I first joined my current company 10 years ago. She was the first English woman that I worked for and whom I had difficulty in understanding due to her strong English accent. She was the one who bought me coffee and ciggarettes when I broke up with my ex boyfriend then. She was also the one who flew down specially for my wedding.

And last Friday, she popped by the office to say hi to us. She was here on work (with another company) but managed to squeeze some time to see us. We had lunch together. Tho it was a short meet, it was really really great to see her again. So Miss Helen, come back to Singapore again and let's do a proper dinner the next time round.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Visiting Baby Yushua

Went to visit MK and her latest addition; baby Yushua right after work yesterday. Sesat barat dibuatnye .. ahahaha .. but all in the all it was worth all that when I get to see the super chubby baby Yushua! Our gossip2 session was often interrupted by Ziqry .. ehehe. To MK & family, congrats once again!