Friday, September 30, 2005


Lil' Anaqin turned 13 months yesterday and heeyhooo...he finally calls me Maaa...meee and darling husband Deyy..dee!! Oh my gawd, those little words mean so much to us and make us all so excited! HEH! You really made our day!
Image Hosted by With his giant barney..
Image Hosted by With fellow cousin Aiman..


Lil' Anaqin turned 13 months yesterday and heeyhooo...he finally calls me Maaa...meee and darling husband Deyy..dee!! Oh my gawd, those little words mean so much to us and make us all so excited! HEH! You really made our day!

Monday, September 26, 2005

False Alarm

So it was just a false alarm. But the waiting was tormenting for me! After 5 days past the actual due date, my menses finally came yesterday!

Ok this may sound selfish but I'm just not ready for another baby at the moment. I'm not ready to divide my love and attention YET. After this menses, I might even resort to inserting an IUD as a contraception

False Alarm

So it was just a false alarm. But the waiting was tormenting for me! After 5 days past the actual due date, my menses finally came yesterday!
Ok this may sound selfish but I'm just not ready for another baby at the moment. I'm not ready to divide my love and attention YET. After this menses, I might even resort to inserting an IUD as a contraception.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Anxiety & Uncertainty

I've been worrying myself SICK these past few days...I just do not know how to accept it if things really turns out THAT way..well we'll just have to wait and see..

Anxiety & Uncertainty

I've been worrying myself SICK these past few days...I just do not know how to accept it if things really turns out THAT way..well we'll just have to wait and see..

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A Lil' Change

So i've removed the sexy woman...WHY u ask?..hmmm...coz i realised the fasting month is coming and ehhh tak baik tau tengok pompan-pompan seksi...minus points you!.betol per..
Talking abt fasting, I've 'repaid' my utang posa oredi..but 4 days only lar..a few more days to go..
Ok i'll stop now..perot nie nga sakit giler..see you when i see you...tata..

Friday, September 16, 2005

1st Birthday Bash

Ok here's the long overdue photos of lil' Anaqin's 1st birthday bash which was held @ Costa Sands Chalet on the 3rd Sept.
Image Hosted by The ice cream cake which I didnt even get to eat!
Image Hosted by A family shot
Image Hosted by Pose baby pose..heh
Image Hosted by Singing a birthday song
Image Hosted by With cousins & pals
Image Hosted by The pressies
Image Hosted by Lil' Anaqin posing wif his pressies..poor baby contracted conjunctivitis from his cousin