Lil' Anaqin turned 13 months yesterday and heeyhooo...he finally calls me
Maaa...meee and darling husband
Deyy..dee!! Oh my gawd, those little words mean so much to us and make us all so excited! HEH! You really made our day!
With his giant barney..
With fellow cousin Aiman..
Tat's soooooooo clever! He's 13 mth huh? Sekejap sey!
touched gitu kan..
when Rian 5 mths old, dia dah call out names like mama and nenek when he cries.. but now lebih ketara panggil mama or mamam all day.. ntah betol dia panggil mak dia or its juz part of baby talk.. hmm..
yup..he's 13 mths fast rite..
mmg feeling abis..tak leh angkat!..ehehe
u shud talking to him now so that he can cepat tangkap and hopefully speaks faster..
before this he can already speak out few words but not mommy or when he finally's like a great deal to both of us..
hehehehehe so cute
oh barney dia da tau pronounced..heh..oh yes itu barney manyak besar..and kalau haney nak pinjam meh lar..anaqin selalu heret je si barney tu coz tak larat nak didokong..ekreke
oh btw saya amat suka sekali sebab ramai org ckp lil anaqin now looks more and more like me...yaaahhoooo...
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