If you're residing in the East side, and takes the train, you'll probably heard abt the mrt incident at Tampines last evening. I was in the train on my way home when they announced that we hv to alight at Tanah Merah station due to an accident at Tampines. Berderau darah sekejapan coz I think this is the first time it happened at Tampines station. Anyway, we alighted and board the next train. Terserempak plak ngan Su. Nasib ader kawan bleh dok berbual :D. When we reached Tampines station, the platform heading to town was already sealed. A train stopped halfway at the tracks. But no body or whatsoever. They must hv removed it already.
The platform was crowded and slightly chaotic. People slowed down trying to have a sneak peek but there's nothing to look at. Outside the station, there was an ambulance and fire engine. Bid farewell to Su and headed to the interchange. I dare not go to the scene. Ngeri ku!
The news of the accident didnt even come out. I guess it must be a suicide again...haizzz..agaknye it's the IN thing to commit suicide at MRT tracks eh. Nauzubillah!!