time flies...what do u's already 2005... It's been a wet rainy day..our initial plan which was a visit to the zoo had to be cancelled due to the bad weather...
In the evening all of us piled up in a car n went from our monthly salary, we've also got the ERS moniesss...yaayyyy...first stop..suntec city..the women went crazy over the MNG sale..while the men waited patiently...hehehe
Next stop...Bugis Street...this time round the men did their shopping of vintage jeans & all..*roll eyes*..I managed to drag hubz to Seiyu to buy some stuff at Fox Baby..actually I wanted browse at the Osh Kosh section but hubz said we're running late & everyone is waiting for us as they're dying of hunger already...*roll eyes again*..hmmm I'll make a trip there myself one of these days..hopefully the sale is still on by then...
Went to East Coast to have supper...there's ikan bakar, kailan, kangkong, prawns, crabs n ntah ape2 lagik yg dorang nie order..lantak mcm nak rak..den walk2 at the park ease off a bit of the fullness of our tummies..
By the time we reached home, it was already 2 am...everyone was tired but happy wif our findings and stuff...