Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Nasty Bug

Shucks..the nasty bug has landed. I first noticed Anaqin sneezing frequently last nite and his nose started to water slightly. After his last milk feed, he slept and around 1 plus in the morning, he woke up crying and coughing and eventually vommited. Darl cleaned up the bedspread, and change it while I put on a fresh PJ on Anaqin, rubbed some vicks on his chest and back and he drifted off to sleep soon after. But that's not the end of it..every 1 hour or so, Anaqin would wake up, crying maybe due to his blocked nose and we have to pacify him to sleep.

Both me and the husband are light sleepers therefore whenever Anaqin stirs, we woke up as well ... thus making us feel like zombies the morning after. Sms my boss & told her I'm taking the morning off coz I need to send Anaqin to the doc. Darl on the other hand took the whole day off. Our trip to the doc had to be postponed for a while as it was pouring outside. Once the weather has subsided, off we went. Got a whole load of medication for Anaqin and afterwards I make my way to the office while Darl brought Anaqin and my helper home.

Hopefully Anaqin's able to sleep well tonite and recover soon...insyaallah..

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