Alektorophobia: An abnormal fear of chickens which may be a result of the fear of feathers, of winged creatures, or of flying animals or birds. Such fears may also include eggs or live, or dead, chickens. A few reasons include fears of being pecked, swooped upon, and because they roost above eye level or that they eat food from the ground or manure piles which may contaminate the bird. Such fears usually involve relative closeness to live chickens, but usually don't include cooked chickens.
Yea..sememangnye aku takut ngan burung, ayam and sume yg sewaktu dgn nye! I just came back from lunch and hold and behold..there were so many freaking pigeons roaming around. I tell you..these pigeons are damn HUGE tau..da ala2 ayams gitu..takut kan! So as I was walking down the stairs..these pigeons yg tadinye sedang tergelek-gelek..tiba2 flew rite in front of my face! Hah kau..terpanjat aku sekejapan! Nak pekik pon suara tak sempat nak kluar..
Anyway people find it weird that I'm afraid of them birds & chickens..tapi apa bleh buat..da mmg aku takut. Believe or not I'm even afraid of kaki ayam and the kepala ayam (yg da mati ler)! I still remember last time when we were young, my sista Lynn used to chase me around the house wif kaki ayam! Kesian kan aku..kecik2 da kena bully ngan adik sendirik! *bluek* Just recently, darl tried to be funny and showed me a kaki ayam that he grabbed from the kitchen and I screamed mcm nampak hantu upon seeing that! Anaqin just gave me a quizzical look! Haizzz..if only you knew my fear son..then you'll understand..
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