Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The First Phrase

My pregnancy this time round starts off quite rough compared to my first one. Started off being sick..achy body and my temperature rise esp at nite. And I couldnt even eat anything! My appetite is completely zilch. Which leads to bad stomach cramps. It was so bad last nite, that I nearly contemplated to go to the hospital. But instead I made myself a mug of milo coz I didnt have anything to eat for dinner and breakfast and just had a sandwich for lunch. It calmed my tummy a bit but as I was about to drift off to sleep, the pain started again. I guess the milo wasnt enuff to fill up my empty tummy esp now that I have to SHARE it with someone else :) So I got up and make myself another cup of milo. That did the trick and I settled down after that.

This morning as I went to have my shower, I asked my helper to make me a mug of milo just to play it safe. Alhamdulillah, my tummy doesnt hurt that much now. On the way to work, I bought a carton of HL milk and had a glass of that. Right now, I'm nibbling on Meiji's Plain Cracker just to keep my tummy full. I planned to have salad (with loads of greens) for lunch later but hvn't decide on what to eat for dinner. Maybe just plain crackers and hot milo. So far, I hv not vomited though I feel nausea at times esp if when I smell food. Hopefully this phrase will end soon so that I can enjoy the rest of my pregnancy..insyaallah.


Layla Levine said...

thank you hor..anaqin will hv a playmate soon..insyaallah..

i hope so too..kalau tak kurus kering la kita dibuatnye..eheh..btw my EDD is 19 Feb 2007 insyaallah.

moifredah said...

U preggy?

Congrats Mommy Anaqin!!!

Crab said...

Congrats babe on your 2nd pregnancy.

Take care.


peacehaslina said...

congrats to u...n take care...milo pun milo lah janji perut ade isi

Layla Levine said...

yesh, me expecting my 2nd baby.. :))

thanks many2 babe

tu lar..milo pon milo lar asal kan perot ku ini tak sakit giler.. :)

Anonymous said...

take care tau...bedal lah milo ke apa ke janji isi perut..

Siti Suhailah said...

Woohoo..seronok seh, dgr members pregnant..:-) Dulu pun, me tak suka mkn nasi,mkn nasi jer konpem muntah..Tapi lebih suka mkn fast food..tat explains why Lil Kinah tak suka mkn nasi jugak..asyik nak french fries jer..heheh..neway, do take care!! Keep us updated yah!!

moby said...

Wah! Long time never visit your blog, skali got news you're gonna be a mummy again. Congratulations, Aunty Layla!

Layla Levine said...

yup, now it's goodbye coffee..helloooo milo..ehehe

the thing is bukan nye i tak suka mkn..cuma tak bleh termkn..tekak kembang semcm lar. and yes, insyaallah will keep u guys updated on my pregnancy..

thanks babe. yah anaqin's gonna have a playmate just like you ...

Fiza said...

Tahniah again sis........ur turn first rupanya:)

Mesti masukkan makanan dlm perut.........takut nanti pitam :)

Layla Levine said...

apa lagik, come and join in the club lah..process for the 2nd one..ehe

yah, i think nga musim tak..ehehe

thanks, yeah rite now i'm tryin not to leave my stomach empty..must be considerate to the small one inside me mah..ehehe

farhana78 said...

hey beb, CONGRATS from me and my lil' Fikri!!!Alhamdulillah, tak plan tup tup sangkut...Rezeki ko ler beb...mine belum lagi...looks like Anaqin will have a playmate earlier than Fikri...Congrats again!!!

nora said...

alhamdulillah.. another baby :-) congratz... perhaps its a girl this time round?

Sweet said...



tea said...

hopefully after this, the 2nd phase will be a smoother one for you..take care VM..and congratz again!

mummyto3 said...

hey Vogue Mummy....


*lol* if terjumpa at MRT, I will have to give up my seat to you....

Take care sis and rest well...