Monday, July 24, 2006

Super M

Eversince I got preggy, I've become more and more restless, tired and very the pemalas. My weekends now are spent lazing around at home. I would nap for 3hrs in the afternoon, and refused to go out even to go down to the shops nearby. When darl suggested goin out to chill, i turned him down flatly saying I've got no energy.

Yes, that's how bad i've become. I was'nt like this when I was expecting Anaqin. It's times like this when I felt really grateful to have my helper around. I cannot imagined how it would be like without her around. I wonder when this penyakit pemalas will last coz I cannot stand it myself.

On another note, I thought that my appetite has picked up but I guess I counted my lucky stars too early. There will days when my appetite will suddenly disappeared. Just like that. And getting nauseated from morning till lunchtime on some days. I'll be ending my 1st trimester in 2 weeks time (insyaallah) and I really hope that I'll get better by then.


moby said...

Mummy's getting more and more tired. She just can't wait for her maternity leave to start.

Hope you're enjoying your pregnancy, Aunty Layla, in spite of all the minor problems. Too lazy? Get Anaqin to help you. Hehe! :D

Layla Levine said...

yeah despite the minor problems i'm definitely enjoying my pregnancy.. :)) And oh yes, Anaqin did help in one way or another lah..ehehe

Btw I can truly understand how tiring it is for your mommy esp if she's nearing to give birth soon.

Anonymous said...

hi layla...take care ..biasalah tu pembawak-an budak memang cam tu..sabar ye

ME said...

being pregnant is so special, perit dia pun spesel jugak... hehehe

take care and may u have a smooth pregnancy and delivery... heheh

mrs malique said...

insya-ALLAH it will get better..its just a pembawakan budak as they call it ;)

one thing bout being pregnant,you can almost get away with anything so enjoy dat 'pemalas' mode woman!heehee

take care luv.. ;)

Layla Levine said...

tu la..but i didnt expect it to b this bad tho. the only time i'm not lazy is when i'm at choice mah..ehe

ya agreed..being pregnant does make me feel super special gitu..ehe very privileged tau..ehehe

ahahaha very true indeed..mmg pon takde org berani nak kata apa pon abt my pemalas-ness..pregnant mah!..eheheh

mummyto3 said...

oh dear.... Its ok lah to be lazy sometimes... Take good care and have plenty of rest....


nora said...

take care & may u haf a smooth dlvry.. this is an advantage of being lazi around hehe.. is a must you need more rest babe..its twins!