Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Terrific TWO

Anaqin turns TWO today! Syukur Alhamdulillah! He's a BIG boy now, learning new things every day and never fails to melt our hearts with his tactics. To our dearest Anaqin, Happy Birthday! Our love for you is beyond anything you can ever imagined...


moby said...

Happy Birthday, Anaqin!! :D

Aunty Layla, no pictures of the birthday boy?

Layla Levine said...

I'll try to snap some pictures later tonite when he blow his birthday cake okies! :)

yesh, da abg and preparing to b an abg soon..ehehe..alhamdulillah.

Siti Suhailah said...

Happy birthday Anaqin!! semoga menjadi anak yg soleh...Muacks...

Layla Levine said...

thanks for the wish.

thanks, yes alhamdulillah, although he can't speak well yet, but it's clear and can be understood. Hope ur irfan will b able to speak clearly too soon.

Mas said...

alamak sorilah.I miss Anaqin's birthday.Happy belated 2nd b'day Anaqin.

mrs malique said...

Happy belated birthday to yur lil anaqin!