Thursday, October 19, 2006

Some update

On my way to work this morning, received an sms from one of my bestest friend, Pam. She has finally given birth after 17hrs of labour! Baby weighs 3.7kg! That's HUGE for a petite girl like her! Can't wait to visit her and the baby soon. :)

On another note, I realised that we're into our 26th day of fasting! How time flies! The holy month of Ramadan will be leaving us soon :( but I'm still grateful that I've been able to fast steadily (except for the 1 day due to heartburn). I'll be 6mths come next week and I've outgrown all my pants & such. Last Tues, I went shopping for some bottoms at Mothers En Vogue @ Delfi and Mothers Work @ Forum ... sib baik lar these shops are nearby to my workplace .. HEH.

Oh yes, some of you guys had requested for my latest pics (suka kan korang nak tengok badan ako yg semakin mengembang nie! :p) ... hmm ... korang tunggu aje la eh for the gambo raya nanti ... insyaallah i'll post them here. Ooohhh yesteday my sista passed me the zakat money that I ask her to change. Jgn marah eh ... new plastic notes hokay! So duit zakat - DONE. I've yet to buy kain samping for Anaqin tho', thought of goin to Geylang this Fri after work to find it (God help me!) I hvnt step into the bazaar Geylang. Wonder if I'll survive the crowd and such!..BLUEK! I've yet to collect my baju kurung & Anaqin's. Will do so this Sat. Darl's 2 pasang baju kurung da siap bergantung dlm wardrobe :)

What else eh for the raya preparation? ... Oh cookies! This time round, I only made the kuih makmur, the rest of the kuihs are done by mom & the helper. Tu pon mcm nak patah pinggang ako dok berjam-jam mengetip tu kuih. Ish! This coming Sunday, I intend to make Kek Batik and either Cheesecake or Marble Cake for the house & for MIL. Mom has volunteered to make the Kek Kukus so tak yah lah ku sibok nak mengacau tu gula hangus into the batter! I tell you ... it's Hard work babe! Apart from that I think everything is done lah. Cuma nak kemas2 skit, pasang new curtains & bedspread. But all that must be done on Raya eve, baru semangat! Mom told us that this year she'll just order the ketupats..ala tak best la camnie..baru nak polish skill menganyam ketupat. Tapi acturi bagui jugak la, kalau tak nak menganyam nye satu, nak isi beras nie lagik, nak merebus lagik..fuyooohhh takes time I tell you!

Ok lah enuff of my rambling. Will try to update again before Raya. In the meantime, selamat menjalani ibadah puasa yeah kawan-kawan ku! :D


Sabrina AB said...

I saw you with ur tummy....heheheh cheesecake..alamak sedap tu ... confirm sebu ur plc eh..
I'm going to make kek kukus this sunday .... not easy task, babe..

btw.. selamat hari raya eh...

Nur Shahidah Abdul Razak said...

gd to hear u r doing gd babe, so jgn lupa post eh gbr u with ur tummy, ur lil prince , ur whole family..

anyway selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin ;)

Layla @ VM said...

sab, sekarang peyot aku da membesau tau not like the last time we met. HEH.

Layla @ VM said...

insyaallah will post them photos here. selamat hari raya to you too yeah!

HUNNYati erwin said...

slamat hari raya!!