Sunday, December 31, 2006
Anaqin Got The Fits!
We were watching tv and then suddenly my sista noticed that he jerked his body, began rolling his eyes and went to a seizure! I held him, shaking this body then Darl took over. It was a moment of panic and chaos in the house. We cried when he went unconscious and started to froth in the mouth. Darl turned him to his back tapping his back lightly and even sucked out the froth from his mouth to avoid him from choking.
In the meantime, my sista was on the phone with the ambulance officer crying and begging them to hurry to our place. Mum on the other hand recited some prayers and wiped his face with water. After a few minutes, Anaqin finally regained consciousness but was still in a state of shock. The ambulance officers came right after that. Darl carried Anaqin while I took all the necessary documents with me. Darl was strapped at the back of the ambulance with Anaqin while I sat on the front. This is the first time in my 32 years taking the ambulance! The journey to KK Womens & Children Hospital seemed like forever. We were then asked some questions regarding the incident.
Upon reaching the Children Emergency Ward, Anaqin was briefly checked and then a bullet was inserted into his anus. While waiting, we kept on sponging his body. The rest of my siblings came minutes later and took turns to see Anaqin at the temporary holding ward. After an hour, his temperature was taken and alhamdulillah it's gone down a little. We're told to wait another hour for another temperature check. Around 11 plus, his temperature was taken again and it has gone down to 37 degrees. The doc then went to give him a thorough check-up. We asked if Anaqin needs to be admitted but the doc said that it's not necessary therefore we brought him home but were advised to keep on monitoring his temperature so that it won't rise again as it might coz the fits to reoccur again.
We took turns to sponge and took his temperature. After he had his milk tho, he vomitted everything out including lotsa phlegm. Changed him to light clothing and coax him to sleep. We also placed a little water mattress underneath him to help absorb the heat of this body. We were just too paranoid to sleep so we kept vigil beside him for the whole nite. Darl finally fell asleep around 9 plus in the morning but I still can't. After giving him a bath, Mom forced feed the paracetamol to him. He managed to swallow down the medication but after a while he coughed out some more phlegms.
Later in the afternoon he made quite a big amount of poo (coz he didnt poo yesterday), then I gave him some milk and off he went to sleep. This time round I placed the water mattress underneath his head and neck. I checked his temperature and sponged him every 15 mins. The aircon was kept on to keep the room cooling. After a while, when his temperature was stable at 36 degrees I dozed off as well. We woke up 3hrs later feeling refreshed. He had his evening bath and since my sista's son came to visit him, he's back to his active self playing with him.
Right now we're still monitoring his temperature and sponging him. As for me, I'm feeling very groggy due to lack of sleep and zilch appetite to eat. The test HE's given to us has certainly make such a great impact on our lives and we shall remember this for as long as we live.
Dear family and friends, please spare me a little of your prayers for Anaqin to get well soon. Thank you.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Anaqin Got The Fits
We experienced the most dreadful, heartwrenching, and heartstopping moment of our lives last nite when Anaqin suddenly got the fits due to his sudden increase in temperature.
We were watching tv and then suddenly my sista noticed that he jerked his body, began rolling his eyes and went to a seizure! I held him, shaking this body then Darl took over. It was a moment of panic and chaos in the house. We cried when he went unconscious and started to froth in the mouth. Darl turned him to his back tapping his back lightly and even sucked out the froth from his mouth to avoid him from choking.
In the meantime, my sista was on the phone with the ambulance officer crying and begging them to hurry to our place. Mum on the other hand recited some prayers and wiped his face with water. After a few minutes, Anaqin finally regained consciousness but was still in a state of shock. The ambulance officers came right after that. Darl carried Anaqin while I took all the necessary documents with me. Darl was strapped at the back of the ambulance with Anaqin while I sat on the front. This is the first time in my 32 years taking the ambulance! The journey to KK Womens & Children Hospital seemed like forever. We were then asked some questions regarding the incident.
Upon reaching the Children Emergency Ward, Anaqin was briefly checked and then a bullet was inserted into his anus. While waiting, we kept on sponging his body. The rest of my siblings came minutes later and took turns to see Anaqin at the temporary holding ward. After an hour, his temperature was taken and alhamdulillah it's gone down a little. We're told to wait another hour for another temperature check. Around 11 plus, his temperature was taken again and it has gone down to 37 degrees. The doc then went to give him a thorough check-up. We asked if Anaqin needs to be admitted but the doc said that it's not necessary therefore we brought him home but were advised to keep on monitoring his temperature so that it won't rise again as it might coz the fits to reoccur again.
We took turns to sponge and took his temperature. After he had his milk tho, he vomitted everything out including lotsa phlegm. Changed him to light clothing and coax him to sleep. We also placed a little water mattress underneath him to help absorb the heat of this body. We were just too paranoid to sleep so we kept vigil beside him for the whole nite. Darl finally fell asleep around 9 plus in the morning but I still can't. After giving him a bath, Mom forced feed the paracetamol to him. He managed to swallow down the medication but after a while he coughed out some more phlegms.
Later in the afternoon he made quite a big amount of poo (coz he didnt poo yesterday), then I gave him some milk and off he went to sleep. This time round I placed the water mattress underneath his head and neck. I checked his temperature and sponged him every 15 mins. The aircon was kept on to keep the room cooling. After a while, when his temperature was stable at 36 degrees I dozed off as well. We woke up 3hrs later feeling refreshed. He had his evening bath and since my sista's son came to visit him, he's back to his active self playing with him.
Right now we're still monitoring his temperature and sponging him. As for me, I'm feeling very groggy due to lack of sleep and zilch appetite to eat. The test HE's given to us has certainly make such a great impact on our lives and we shall remember this for as long as we live.
Dear family and friends, please spare me a little of your prayers for Anaqin to get well soon. Thank you.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
My Sick Little Hero

my much better looking but still weak little hero
Anaqin was running quite a high temperature early this morning and refused to drink his milk (which contains his fever medicine) at all. He got it from the helper whose not been well for several days now.
Smsed my boss whose in Australia at the moment and told her abut Anaqin's condition and since the server has been down since yesterday (due to the earthquake in Taiwan) and is still down today, I asked her if I can just work from home instead. She agreed. Made a few phone calls to settle some work stuff. Anaqin woke up feeling weak and hot. Bathe him and try giving him the milk & medicine again but he rejected it. He even dun like me to paste the fever patch on his forehead so I sponged him instead to reduce his temperature.
My poor boy slumped on bed watching tv feeling all weak coz he refused to have anything to eat while I continued sponging him. Eventually around 1pm he agreed to drink his milk & medicine. Alhamdulillah. Right after his feed he felt much better and baru la nak duduk. We've also managed to coax him to using the fever patch. Last temperature taken was 37.3 .... alhamdulillah. He's also beginning to get runny nose but we've still got medication for that. Hope he'll get better soon..insyaallah.
On a separate note, the helper celebrated her 21st birthday last Christmas. Soon in 2yrs time, she'll be getting married and by then I guess I have to let her go and either make do without a helper or get a fresh new one.
Friday, December 22, 2006
RECIPE - Nutella Frosted Cupcakes

Nutella Frosted Cupcakes
10 tbsp(140 grams) butter, softened
3/4 cup white sugar
3 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 3/4 cups (200 grams) sifted all purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
Nutella, approx. 1/3 cup
Preheat oven to 175°C.
Line 12 muffin tins with paper liners.
Cream together butter and sugar until light, 2 minutes. Add in eggs one at a time, until fully incorporated. Don't worry if the batter doesn't look smooth. Add vanilla. Stir in flour, salt and baking powder until batter is uniform and no flour remains.
Using an ice cream scoop, fill each muffin liner with batter. (I filled the muffin liner with 1 spoonful of batter then layered it with some nutella and topped it off with the batter). They should be 3/4 full, if you're not using a scoop. Top each cake with 1 1/2 tsp Nutella. Swirl Nutella in with a toothpick, making sure to fold a bit of batter up over the nutella.
Bake for 20 minutes.
Remove to a wire rack to cool completely.
Makes 12.
RECIPE - Banana Almonds Muffins

Banana Almonds Muffins
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 tsps. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
2 cups mashed very ripe bananas (about 4 large)
113g butter, melted
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup sliced almonds (toasted)
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 175°C.
In large bowl combine flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Stir in sliced toasted almonds.
Mash bananas. In small bowl, blend bananas, melted margarine, milk, eggs and vanilla. Add to flour mixture, stirring only until just blended (do not over mix). Fill muffin cups.
Bake for 18 to 22 minutes, or until golden brown and toothpick inserted into center comes out clean. Let stand several minutes before transferring to wire rack to cool.
Makes 12 large muffins.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Muffins For Christmas Gifts

You guys might be wondering y dun I baked the muffins all at one go, the reason is becoz I want to give to them freshly baked muffins. They leave on different days for their long leave or holidays so I will only bake them the night before.
On a separate note, yours truly turned 8mths preggy today! Baby's very active lately and suka sgt buat the kallang wave in my tummy. Cute kan! Few nights back, I experienced terrible leg cramps. Sakit giler! But the ever positive me always remind myself to endure .. coz afterall it's part and parcel of being pregnant kan! ...
Monday, December 18, 2006
Wet Weekend Update
Saturday- Ikea trip cancelled as darl had wedding deco to do.
Sunday - Received a rather pleasant MMS from my friend who just discovered that she's pregnant! Congrats Siti! We're kawan2 sepejuangan...had our first child in 2004 and now the second one in exciting kan! Well, Ti tak lama lagik aku da nak terberanak pon ... while u still got a long way to go ... so pelan2 kayoh hah... mukakakakaka.
It's been raining since morning. We actually planned to go ikea in the afternoon but ujan makin lebat plak. At last after magrib baru kita pegi. Had to call for a cab coz I know it's impossible to hail a cab in this kinda of weather. Despite the rain and all, there was a huge jam at the road heading towards ikea! Once we got into ikea..went searching for the cookie jars ... walked around a bit and head to the counter to pay for our purchases. As usual..the crowd are mostly cinones with their kids who melanyak the beds and making the showrooms mcm rumah mak bapak dorang! Masok tangan kosong kluar pong tangan kosong! So typical of them! Buat semak aje!
We wanted to take a cab but changed our mind upon seeing the bloody long queue so we took the bus instead. Must make a return there one of these days when there's less crowd so that I can walk around in peace. Mcm tak puas gitu.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
The Ever Growing Me

A friend of mine insisted that I took a photo of myself today coz she wants to see how fat I look right now :( So I thought I'll share this photo with you folks too. Me @ Seven & Half Months pregnant! Photo taken in the ladies (no choice mah..too shy to get someone to snap my photo)