Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Visit to Datok A's.

Last Tues, went to for my check-up @ Dr. Aziz's. The first thing that I was eager to find out was how much weight have I lost. Weight at the end of my pregnancy was 61kg. Weight before pregnancy was 53kg. Weight now is 53.4kg! Ok la tu kan? Lebih kurang halal. But I'm planning to lose more weight before my bro's wedding on 31st March. Ideal weight for my height is 50kg. Ish bleh ker tercapai cita2 ku ini? Baru berangan nak sumbat badan nie dlm baju kebaya for the wedding cum Aniq's cukur rambut nanti. I've realised that breastfeeding makes me more hungry and thirsty than usual. Canna nak lose weight if dua minit dua minit asyik lapar kan? ahahahaha.. we'll see how la.

Anyway back to my visit. Dr. Aziz checked on my stitches which has long healed abt a week after the birth. Then he asked us the soalan cepu emas. What kind of contraceptive are we planning to use? I've heard a lot of bad experiences from ppl who've used IUD before, thus mcm takut plak nak pakai. I've also heard that pills makes you gain weight and moreover I'm not a pill person so if I ever forget to take the pill, danger tu namanye..EHE.

Dr.Aziz recommended me the jab which I have to take once every 3 months. The side effect of the jab is that my menses will be irregular which I think is not so bad and it won't affect my breastmilk supply since I'm planning to continue breastfeeding for as long as I can. I've got abt 2mths to make my decision before I see him again for my pap smear. Suami ku plak kata tak yah nak susah2 amik contraceptive coz I wasnt on any after Anaqin's birth and we've managed for 2 yrs. TETAPI saya sungguh tidak percaya dengan suami ku itu. Kalau tersangkut lagik canna? Oh tidak...no way! Ckp senang ek. Dorang nie sume maner tau kita punyer susah :p

Ok before I end this entry, here's Aniq with Atok Aziz. EHE.


Sparkling Qris said...

wah! senang nyer awak lose weight....for me i still gt abt 5kg to lose...payau betul....=D

Nur Shahidah Abdul Razak said...

congrats awak for losing dat wgt.. or that fats.. takpe insyallah bleh nya another 3.4kg aje to go.. u go girl..

n tulah lelaki ni smua mana leh caya... n tak paham susah kita, penat kita kan? hehe so try ah e injection if its gd for u.. then stick on.. else amik patch.. senang je u.. im gg to buy dat again ah.. so mayb this mth last for e pills hehe gatal kan aku

Aisah Mashoor said...

wah cepat nya da lose weight, im still got lots of weight to lose seh sis, n my son da nk 1 years old, hehehe :)

XXXX YYYY said...

any tips hw to lose weight dat much? .. anyway i like dr aziz as my gynae..he's a funny man...

Fatin Nabilah said...

u r fast in losing d weight
haizzz if its me, years agaknya

Naza A. said...

wah.. tu Datok A hensem jugak eh.. hehehe..

Ummi Ameer Firdaus M R said...

jantung ku berdegup degup melihat Datok A hold cucu A ;p~

hehe don't worry so much abt the weight layla.. u makan every 2 min now u wont be putting so much coz Aniq isap susu every 2hrs at least.. tapi ada org gain weight time bf.. ada lose weight.. ada maintain.. hopefully u fall dlm categori lose weight then maintain it..

tea tea said...

i hope i'm not too late for this..congratz on the birth of aniq! hmm..datuk A how come reminds me of tt malaysian actor...alamak lupa plak nama dia...

MoMMa'ZuE VoGuE said...

Me too dont like pills cos forgetful but hor...
After i took the jab, my menses was mild yet it flow non stop for 2 mths...
(Kesian Pak Eh terpaksa posa....)
So wen back to gynae and was advised to take pill...
But if u wanna breastfeed then ntah eh, let the gynae advise u further
Hugs and kisses to Aniq!! Muackkkssss!!!

Layla @ VM said...

i myself dun realise that i've lost that much. ;)

Layla @ VM said...

Itu extra 3.4kg ler yg susah nak lose seh.

eh u da mcm2 contraceptive u try ek. terrer jugak eh. ehehehe. me baru first time nie la nak pakai. now harus berjaga-jaga di jln raya kalau tersangkut parah babe.ehehe

Layla @ VM said...

takpe pelan2 ... mesti boleh punyer!

Layla @ VM said...

no special tips or diet. i guess it's becoz i don gain that much weight during this pregnancy not like my previous one.

saya pon suka itu datok A. i must thank him oso. becoz he always keep an eye on my weight gain. kalau terlebih..dia tegur.

Layla @ VM said...

itu la heran bin ajaib. dis time round bleh cepat plak lose that much weight. i guess breastfeeding plays a part as well. :)

Layla @ VM said...

yahhh. he's charming in his own way.

Layla @ VM said...

actually i'm happy enuff that i've lost all my pregnancy weight but hopefully i can lose more la. kalau tak pon hopefully jgn la ku put on additional weight plak.

Layla @ VM said...

thanks tea! ahaha i think i know which malaysian actor u're referring to but i myself dun know his name la.

Layla @ VM said...

lermak ... u mean ur menses flowed for 2mths? aiseybedah ... how like dat. but no choice lar. coz i think that's the best contraceptive for me since i intend to continue breastfeeding.

* Mama Tasya / Shasha * said...

kiutnye Aniq dibalut2 gitu..mcm gula2 lah..hehe

kakak & adek said...

hey you are very true... I heard that BF make us lost weight but then it also make us very hungry... then I also ngap ngap many many... hahahah!

Nampak sungguh nak lost weight more tak kesampaian.. but on 2nd tot maybe once baby dah start lari2 la baru le kurus ... hahahahhaha

Anyway Congrats on the weight lost!~

nor hazliza rojali said...

takpe layla, tiap2 dua minit u lapar, sebab u r aniq's milk machine. so i doubt de babats will come in.

Sabrina AB said...

Datuk A jumpa cucu A .. bagus lah .. hmm kan aku ckp confirm balik asal weight ...
abt injection, bini Shahrin ambik tau.. she still BF till now .. dia ckp so far tak effect on susu production .. try babe...

sang suami kita mmg tak faham2 ya.. jgn mcm aku ... asyik teraccident...

I will meet datuk A very soon .. this Sat.. jeng jeng jeng

Layla @ VM said...

ahahah acturi he was nicely wrapped but since he like to wriggle ... da la terbosei-bosei..ehehe.

Layla @ VM said...

itu ler. danger kan. time pregnant dulu..punyer la susah nak mkn. hah now asyik nak mkn ajek. yg danger nye time2 midnite atau early mornin nak snack. double the babats added! ahahaha

Layla @ VM said...

like dat one ar? but hor, the amount that i eat mcm tak setanding ngan apa yg Aniq consume seh. ehehe.

Layla @ VM said...

tu la i think the jab is the best option for me. chk-up this sat? hah jgn lupa habaqkan pat aku the results hokay?..eheh..good luck!

nora effendi said...

waa best seyy back to pre-pregnancy stage!I have a long long way to go..maklum asik makan kenyang 3 meals/day time ngandung dulu.

Zalinah Seman said...

karang ako mintak tips dari kao plak ..cara2 to lose weight the Layla way! kakaka!! ni sudah bagus babe!!! sungguh memebri semangat bila baca entry kao ni....salute to u!

ps: datok A bleh tahannn...hehehe!