Friday, March 16, 2007

Brand New Crocs For Sale

In a recent bulk purchase crocs spree, bought a croc each for myself, darl and Anaqin. Unfortunately, my Mary Jane is a size bigger for me. The same goes for my darl's crocs. Only Anaqin's fitted nicely.

We should hv gone to the store to try out for the sizes first before purchasing them but I'm in my confinement right now and didnt ask darl to go and try for his size too as it was meant to be a surprise for him.

So I'm selling off these 2 crocs.

Women Mary Jane (Burgundy)
Size: W7
Price: $38

Men Beach (Army Green)
Size: M6/7 (M)
Price: $35

Anyone interested?


Nur Shahidah Abdul Razak said...

wah awak.. sygnya u tak muat.. eh tak ya gi jejauh act at tampines metro ada jual crocs, so u can sneaked out to there je cukup.. hehe

i pun ada dat same clr u.. u pakai ngam2 eh? ke ketat sgt?

me like dat clr nya pasal terpaksa amik besar skit.. W6 hehe, tp nasib tak tersandung & jatuh khakha..

Nur Shahidah Abdul Razak said...

oops anyway ill try to spread this sale eh.. pa'kal ur hubnya size kecik.. else i can buy for my hub..

nor hazliza rojali said...

kaler burgundy tu memang i berkenan, size mmg dah cantek. tapi kan, i dah ade MJ. takkan nak beli lagi kot. my hubby plak mmg nak replc his worn-out "kerok". but horrrr he's size 10/11. kekeke ...

Rafedah Abdul Rahman said...

ALAH! I pon size 6... melepas... Ngah nak kompol crocs nie :)

Nur Shahidah Abdul Razak said...

alah liza tak salah pe if buy MJ lagi.. me ada 2 MJ u.. e shocking pink & e maroon.. hehe

im planning to buy more nanti thru e next BP.. cheaper also seh.. act i dont mind to have the diff clrs of MJ..:)

Layla @ VM said...

both crocs are 1 size bigger for my hubby n i.

Sabrina AB said...

I'm wearing size W7.. kau betul kasi aku temptation ... hehehehe
want to sell off to me

Layla @ VM said...

sab, let me know if u're interested in buying hokay so i can reserb for u.

Ummi Ameer Firdaus M R said...

hehe layla.. i having that.. still thinking nak beli another MJ ke prima