Monday, March 12, 2007

You're Invited!

You're invited to Aniq Arfan's majlis cukur rambut! It's held in conjunction with my brother's wedding (in other words, kita sibok-sibok tumpang sekaki..ehehe). Hope to see you guys there.


Fiza 7178 said...

Thanks for the pun lum sempat gi tgk u and bb aniq lagi...insyallah on that day nothing on the list right now if can we dtg singgah sekejap to u see & family........any idea what time is best for me to come (pengantin dtg kul berapa)?

Layla @ VM said...

the nikah is @ 2pm @ Bukit Panjang (girl's side). Therefore the pengantin will come to our side ard 4-5pm gitu. I might or might not be goin over to the girl's side for the akad nikah..see how la. It's best if u sms me first before coming over..jus to make sure that I'm ard.

Fiza 7178 said...

ok i will sms u in advance bila nak dtg :)

~LiZa~ oThMan said...

hi gerl... tks for the invite.. while diving, swallow water hah.. =)
insya-allah, i'll be there dear..

Naza A. said...

nice wedding card!! so swit..
thx for inviting.. insya-allah kan ku hadir..

Naza A. said...

nice wedding card!! so swit..
thx for inviting.. insya-allah kan ku hadir..

Lynn Hani said...

Thx for the invite babe...will try to make it insy'allah.

kakak & adek said...

Thanks for the invite... insya'allah will try to pop by... awww lovely card!

XXXX YYYY said...

aik semua pakai virtual ke? hehehe

Zalinah Seman said...

Alamak!!!!!!! ako tarak sini dahhh!!! will be going up negeri jiran sebab 'bos' kena outstation dat period :(....but takperr...i see how....akan ako cuba try dtg sebab nak tengok hero kao yg terbaru ni..(the one yg ako manage to hold ur tummy bila ako makan gaji buta temph ari! kekeke!)

Sabrina AB said...

thanks for inviting babe... Insya Allah