Thursday, December 28, 2006

My Sick Little Hero

my much better looking but still weak little hero

Anaqin was running quite a high temperature early this morning and refused to drink his milk (which contains his fever medicine) at all. He got it from the helper whose not been well for several days now.

Smsed my boss whose in Australia at the moment and told her abut Anaqin's condition and since the server has been down since yesterday (due to the earthquake in Taiwan) and is still down today, I asked her if I can just work from home instead. She agreed. Made a few phone calls to settle some work stuff. Anaqin woke up feeling weak and hot. Bathe him and try giving him the milk & medicine again but he rejected it. He even dun like me to paste the fever patch on his forehead so I sponged him instead to reduce his temperature.

My poor boy slumped on bed watching tv feeling all weak coz he refused to have anything to eat while I continued sponging him. Eventually around 1pm he agreed to drink his milk & medicine. Alhamdulillah. Right after his feed he felt much better and baru la nak duduk. We've also managed to coax him to using the fever patch. Last temperature taken was 37.3 .... alhamdulillah. He's also beginning to get runny nose but we've still got medication for that. Hope he'll get better soon..insyaallah.

On a separate note, the helper celebrated her 21st birthday last Christmas. Soon in 2yrs time, she'll be getting married and by then I guess I have to let her go and either make do without a helper or get a fresh new one.


shireen ikhsan said...

may he get well girls juz recuperated ;)

nor hazliza rojali said...

i find lil tot with fever patch maciam cute. sicko mind eh i. however, my son abhors those patchy thingy on his forehead.

tea tea said...

hope anaqin gets well soon...!

Ad ;) said...

oh dear..same boat with Ayunnie.. Take care dearie..
It reli worries us a lot when our little one get sick..
Muda2han cepat sembuh.. Insya-Allah.. Amin..

Ummi Ameer Firdaus M R said...

oh oh.. hemsem boy tatit.. hope u get well soon ok dear..

Shirin Enchante said...

Hope you will get well soon, Anaqin!

Nephesch Namza said...

wish ye a speedy recovery, anakin. BE STRONG YOU MUST! hehehe

devilina devilina said...

Heard he was admitted to hsptl today..I was shocked...InsyaAllah my prayer to his well being soon...Amin

Zalinah Seman said...

Ziqry started to cough semlm malam. B4 sleep dia dah complain (yes...literally & verbally complained) that throat pain, cough lar..blah..blah...while he's complaining...ako almost reaching snoozing land! muahaha!!

the weather is juz simply 'wonderful'...hope lil warrior gets better soon....and btw..hepi belated bday to ur helper!

Siti Suhailah said...

Yoohoo sis...Hope Anaqin is alright now.. Prayers for you and family..Muacks..

Naza A. said...

yeah.. hope our kiddos will get better soon.. :)

* Mama Tasya / Shasha * said...

skrg musim sakit n my two sons pun nw da kena serang dgn virus2 berikut..speedy recovery to ur angel k